Surecracy has recently adopted the creative idea and the proposal of ' the introduction of a new universal currency ' starting by all the Islamic Nations , where The Surecratic Islamic Gold Dinar as well as The Surecratic Islamic Silver Dirham can be used to stabilize the local, the national and the international financial and/or banking system(s) and the world trading as well ..
Such a new form of money is a bullion coin made of 22-carat (91.7%) gold weighing in the metric value of 4.25 grams ( equivalent to 0.125254 OZ ) of gold; where The Surecratic Islamic Silver Dirham is another coin weighing and/or containing exactly 2.975 grams of pure silver.
The proposed design of these coins' face(s) is to contain no pictures but rather a writing of the Arabic Qu'ranic Words Of The Shahadat :
لاإلهْ إلا الــلْه محمد رسول الله
دينار إسلامى
دينار الشورى الإسلامى
and on the back of this bullion coin(s) it is advised to write (applies on Dinar and Dirham)
1. The Surecratic Central Bank Name or any other Islamic Bank with the name of the country which has produced it.
2. The year / date it was issued in both lunar and solar calenders.
3. if a picture has to be added; it is preferably to be Al-Kaaba الكعبة as a symbol of unity among all the Muslims and the true monotheistic believers worldwide whom recognize Islam.
The same explanation applies on Dirham just changing the word Dinar دينار by the word Dirham درهم
As Wikipedia Encyclopedia wrote that such an established relationship between the Dinar and the Dirham - according to shari'ah jurists - since Omar Bin AlKhatab - indicated that 7 dinars must be exactly equivalent - in weight - to 10 Dirhams.
Most of the present world currencies produced by Democrats are very unstable, trying to swallow and/or inflate the economic value of the developing countries currencies - as a function of time - especially the oscillating USA dollar where in its USA and stock markets Financial collapses in significantly volatile markets; lead Muslims and Monotheistic true believers - to be loosing their build wealth in terms of money equivalent values and properties due to Democratic Financial System(s) instabilities and its doubtful market theories with its drawbacks.. Accordingly, an alternative more stable currency for our financial institutions, banking system(s) , trade processes and the evaluation of realistic economic development must be relying upon a much more stable currency values where the International Surecratic and/or Islamic Dinar(s) and Dir ham(s) can play a significant independent domination within the economy and the stock . trade markets for the whole Muslim Um'ma ( 52 countries) leading the believers in true Monotheism into realistic success in the present and the future generations ..!
The Qu'anic revelation had mentioned it -as currencies- in certain few citations { Sourah 3 Al-Imran Ayah 75 and Sourah 12 Yusuf Ayah 20}; a mater which we must follow and respect especially there is a firm consensus among Muslim Jurists (Ulama); since early developmental Islamic Surecratic Civilization(s); about the above mentioned facts and this subject matter.
The Common USES of this universally introduced Surecratic Currency are:
1. Saving them as it is considered a significant money value in itself whatever the paper or other currencies fluctuates and/or decrease in its economic real value(s) due to inflation.
2. Supporting the processes of evaluation and/or payment of Zakat, Dowry, hudud ,,etc. upon universal facilitating grounds that unite both Muslims and Surecrats as decedents of Ibrahim / Abraham and end by Mohamed Rasoul Allah (blessings of God upon them).
3.Shopping and Buying Merchandise from outlets and as a currency in trade worldwide.
4.Establishing financial accounts, making and receiving any payment as with any other medium of exchange in currency and in trading.
5. A new way of stabilizing our Islamic and Surecratic financial central banking institutions and financial organizations working to induce significant changes in our economies for uniting it under one and the same universal umbrella which helps to unite us to support each other and support the stability of the world economy and its financial markets.
6. Evaluation of the true value(s) in any project's feasibility study - upon stable grounds - whether at individual, local, national and international levels; a matter which can be understood by everybody easily.
Both Surecrats and Monotheistic True Believers should not under-estimate the value of having this new currency as it will certainly protect their wealth and improve their economic developmental capacities compared to the destabilizing currencies of Democratic Capitalism lead by the American dollar, the british pounds, the yen, the euro-dollar, Chinese dollar ..etc. especially knowing the fact(s) that both Democratic Communism and Democratic Capitalism are unstable in both theories and its related practices resulting - as history indicated - into financial crisis and economic depressions national wide and world wide .. As a must and a necessity both all Muslims and true believers in Monotheism are invited by Surecracy to implement the rebirth this proposed new and financially practical idea(s).
Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - copyright: December 2009
yes certainly to stabilize our economy against inflation